Improving by Informing

The College of Education's carries out its mission through implementing focus area number 2, "Improve Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting to Inform Thinking, Deciding and Acting," in multiple areas of the program.

This concept is carried out in a series of steps and strategies:

1. Identify data needed to make informed decisions, then collect and analyze data to monitor progress and take effective actions at the student level and program level. 

The first step to improving the use of collected data to make better decisions, is understanding what data needs to be collected in the first place. This step of the COE's strategic plan ensures the information gathered is essential, and is used properly.

2. Include faculty/staff in data review to facilitate college-wide buy-in and action.

Having outside resources collect and review data on student life and success could lead to a miscommunication, so the COE includes the faculty and staff in its data reviews. The people that make the college, and university as a whole, be what it is deserve input and knowledge on information being collected.

3. Develop an institutional research plan for documenting processes and procedures to support data collection, including review of existing and potential data systems to efficiently leverage technology. 

Not only is what data is collected important, but how that data is collected is important as well. By using the most efficient processes of collecting this data, it can be more accurate.

4. Benchmark financial best practices and/or enhance current practices to facilitate financial measures of merit, including a requirements-based budgeting process.

A large part of using resources in the most efficient way is budgeting those resources. This includes finances. The COE mission could not be carried out without the proper funding and budgeting.

5. Identify and develop IT functions critical to the college, including resources necessary to support development and implementation of our IT master plan, including a requirements-based IT infrastructure.

In the technology based world we live in today, the COE wants to to ensure the best for its students. By gathering knowledge on how the technology works, and when it doesn't, IT functions can be the the most beneficial to students.

6. Identify college-wide data collection and reporting requirements, plus implement processes to ensure appropriate and accurate data collection. 

Like previously stated, data collection is important, and even more important is implementing requirements on how that data is collected. Creating a system that keeps information gathered even across all departments ensures accuracy throughout.

7. Develop a facilities and physical plant master plan. 

Another key strategy in making students' time within the COE the best it can be lies in the facilities. Students, along with faculty and staff, should have comfortable work environments, something that does not come without planning.

8. Identify opportunities to support work/life balance for sustainability of faculty and staff in their support of student success and fulfillment of the college’s mission.

Without living a healthy and happy life outside of the classroom, faculty and staff cannot help students be all that they can. The final COE key strategy is to support a healthy work/life balance.

These steps are a small part of a big mission the COE works daily to fulfill. As the ancient Chinese proverb states, "If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people."
